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Substance Masters Vol.5

(120 ratings)
Product description
1 ratings

Substance Masters Vol.5

In this course you will learn how to create an advanced forest ground material together with Emiel Sleegers using Zbrush & Substance Designer with presentation and renders done in Marmoset Toolbag 4. This course contains over 6+ hours of content and the course has been done 100% in real-time except for a few small timelapses for very repetitive tasks.

For those wanting to use the materials/textures in a game or other commercial projects PNG, TIFF, TGA texture files are included as well as the SD material itself.

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- 6+ hour tutorial (1920x1080 & 2560x1440)
- SD Files
- Texture Files (PNG, TGA, TIFF)
- Marmoset Files
- Stone Generator
- Other Resources
- Subtitles (English, Spanish, Chinese)

License Info

For non commercial use please purchase the Standard use license. If you want to use any of the content for commercial purposes please buy the commercial use license or the team/studio license. While commercial use of the textures is permitted, nothing can be resold in it's original form on any asset/resource marketplace and must be embedded components in media such as a video game, movies, or similar products.

Links & Info

JROTools - Artstation

Substance Masters Vol.5

Product description
1 ratings

Substance Masters Vol.5

In this course you will learn how to create an advanced forest ground material together with Emiel Sleegers using Zbrush & Substance Designer with presentation and renders done in Marmoset Toolbag 4. This course contains over 6+ hours of content and the course has been done 100% in real-time except for a few small timelapses for very repetitive tasks.

For those wanting to use the materials/textures in a game or other commercial projects PNG, TIFF, TGA texture files are included as well as the SD material itself.

Video Preview -


- 6+ hour tutorial (1920x1080 & 2560x1440)
- SD Files
- Texture Files (PNG, TGA, TIFF)
- Marmoset Files
- Stone Generator
- Other Resources
- Subtitles (English, Spanish, Chinese)

License Info

For non commercial use please purchase the Standard use license. If you want to use any of the content for commercial purposes please buy the commercial use license or the team/studio license. While commercial use of the textures is permitted, nothing can be resold in it's original form on any asset/resource marketplace and must be embedded components in media such as a video game, movies, or similar products.

Links & Info

JROTools - Artstation
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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
6 hours