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Substance Painter Environment Switcher - Xolotl

Ymmanuel Flores
(0 ratings)
Product description

Substance Painter Environment Switcher - Xolotl

This plugin will allow you to quickly toggle between selected environment maps when using substance painter, that way you can quickly check your materials with the environment maps you plan to use either in your games or in your vfx scenes


Copy the folder called xol_envs to the plugins path, usually located:


C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\Adobe\Substance 3D Painter\python\plugins


/Users/eacfh/Documents/Adobe/Substance 3D Painter/python/plugins


- Switch environments with a shortcuts

-Customize Filter of environment maps

-Customize shortcuts

Thanks for the support! this will help me to develop this plugin and a lot more cool stuff!!!

Don't forget to check and subscribe to my youtube channel to see some cool videos, tips and tricks:

You can also support me via patreon: Xolotl Studio

Or contact me if you have any doubts or comments




Or if you want to join the discord server click here

IMPORTANT: There are no refunds in digital downloads so if you have

Substance Painter Environment Switcher - Xolotl

Product description

Substance Painter Environment Switcher - Xolotl

This plugin will allow you to quickly toggle between selected environment maps when using substance painter, that way you can quickly check your materials with the environment maps you plan to use either in your games or in your vfx scenes


Copy the folder called xol_envs to the plugins path, usually located:


C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\Adobe\Substance 3D Painter\python\plugins


/Users/eacfh/Documents/Adobe/Substance 3D Painter/python/plugins


- Switch environments with a shortcuts

-Customize Filter of environment maps

-Customize shortcuts

Thanks for the support! this will help me to develop this plugin and a lot more cool stuff!!!

Don't forget to check and subscribe to my youtube channel to see some cool videos, tips and tricks:

You can also support me via patreon: Xolotl Studio

Or contact me if you have any doubts or comments




Or if you want to join the discord server click here

IMPORTANT: There are no refunds in digital downloads so if you have

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