Suit Jacket Low poly
Suit Jacket Low Poly PBR model
*Model Description:
-PBR Materials.
-Low poly mesh -19,624 / Verts 20.158
-Model built to a real-world scale.
-3rd Party render -Mamroset 4.04 / Vray 6 / Corona
-Don't have Ngons , only limited tris.
-Don't have overlapping poly faces.
-The mesh is fully unwrapped.
-The model comes with 4K texture maps :
-Color , Roughness , Metalness , Normal , Displacement
-Mesh comes with 2 formats: OBJ and FBX.
-Mesh can be subdivided up to 4 M polygons with the same UVW unwrap so you can adjust the model as you want - Especially for people who are using Zbrush 2020 and above for Cloth Simulation brushes
-Comes with Toolbag 4.0 scene.
-3DS Max 2021 includes Corona and Vray Scene
-Feel free to contact me
Suit Jacket Low poly
Suit Jacket Low poly
Suit Jacket Low Poly PBR model
*Model Description:
-PBR Materials.
-Low poly mesh -19,624 / Verts 20.158
-Model built to a real-world scale.
-3rd Party render -Mamroset 4.04 / Vray 6 / Corona
-Don't have Ngons , only limited tris.
-Don't have overlapping poly faces.
-The mesh is fully unwrapped.
-The model comes with 4K texture maps :
-Color , Roughness , Metalness , Normal , Displacement
-Mesh comes with 2 formats: OBJ and FBX.
-Mesh can be subdivided up to 4 M polygons with the same UVW unwrap so you can adjust the model as you want - Especially for people who are using Zbrush 2020 and above for Cloth Simulation brushes
-Comes with Toolbag 4.0 scene.
-3DS Max 2021 includes Corona and Vray Scene
-Feel free to contact me