Vintage Style Christmas Lights💡(Geometry Nodes)
Vintage Style Christmas Lights created with Geometry Nodes in Blender. 💡
Geometry Nodes:
Geometry Nodes are applied to a curve object to create the lights. A light bulb object is instanced on the curve. The Geometry Nodes modifier has many custom values to control the lights, like the Light Bulb Object, Wire Material, Bulb Scale, Wire Thickness, Lights Rotation, and more!
- Christmas Lights Blender File
- Geometry Node Modifier (In Blender File)
- Light Bulb Object (In Blender File)
- HDRI Lighting
To learn how to make this yourself, you can watch the tutorial with the video preview.
Vintage Style Christmas Lights💡(Geometry Nodes)
Vintage Style Christmas Lights💡(Geometry Nodes)
Vintage Style Christmas Lights created with Geometry Nodes in Blender. 💡
Geometry Nodes:
Geometry Nodes are applied to a curve object to create the lights. A light bulb object is instanced on the curve. The Geometry Nodes modifier has many custom values to control the lights, like the Light Bulb Object, Wire Material, Bulb Scale, Wire Thickness, Lights Rotation, and more!
- Christmas Lights Blender File
- Geometry Node Modifier (In Blender File)
- Light Bulb Object (In Blender File)
- HDRI Lighting
To learn how to make this yourself, you can watch the tutorial with the video preview.