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Wes Gardner's Gradient Maps Vol. 1

(4 ratings)
Product description

Wes Gardner's Gradient Maps Vol. 1

What if you could send your Art Director or client multiple color passes of a painting in a matter of minutes? What if you could practice color theory within a no-risk, VERY high-reward setting? Can't decide on the "mood" of your painting, and want to experiment with wildly different options, or maybe poll your social media followers with a variety of options, quickly?

"Value does the work, color gets the credit" is an art saying that has been around for generations. As long as your values (lights and darks) are correct, you can seemingly use ANY color and it'll look right....right? If that's true, why is it so tricky to have the "right colors" in the "right spots"? That's where gradient maps can come in and ease that transition from greyscale to color, and do a TON of heavy lifting in the process! 

In this Gradient Maps collection, you'll receive 142 gradients, finely-tuned and curated to give you the MOST color impact for your artwork, fast. 

In this comprehensive package, you will get:

  • 142 Gradient Maps in native .grd file format
  • Over an HOUR of video instruction across two videos!
  • A real-time look at utilizing color theory to make sure that your colors ALWAYS harmonize 
  • Drastically change the mood of your paintings with a click of a button
  • The most impactful uses of Gradient Maps in a non-destructive way
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to make your very own Gradient

Wes Gardner's Gradient Maps Vol. 1

Product description

Wes Gardner's Gradient Maps Vol. 1

What if you could send your Art Director or client multiple color passes of a painting in a matter of minutes? What if you could practice color theory within a no-risk, VERY high-reward setting? Can't decide on the "mood" of your painting, and want to experiment with wildly different options, or maybe poll your social media followers with a variety of options, quickly?

"Value does the work, color gets the credit" is an art saying that has been around for generations. As long as your values (lights and darks) are correct, you can seemingly use ANY color and it'll look right....right? If that's true, why is it so tricky to have the "right colors" in the "right spots"? That's where gradient maps can come in and ease that transition from greyscale to color, and do a TON of heavy lifting in the process! 

In this Gradient Maps collection, you'll receive 142 gradients, finely-tuned and curated to give you the MOST color impact for your artwork, fast. 

In this comprehensive package, you will get:

  • 142 Gradient Maps in native .grd file format
  • Over an HOUR of video instruction across two videos!
  • A real-time look at utilizing color theory to make sure that your colors ALWAYS harmonize 
  • Drastically change the mood of your paintings with a click of a button
  • The most impactful uses of Gradient Maps in a non-destructive way
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to make your very own Gradient
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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
1 hour 10 minutes