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XMD - Premium Cables & Wires IMM Curve Brushes

Michael Dunnam
(126 ratings)
Product description

XMD - Premium Cables & Wires IMM Curve Brushes

This ZBrush Brush set includes 51 Insert Multimesh Curve Brushes!

It includes an infinitely random tangled wire brush! All brushes are highly optimized and low poly. They can be subdivided easily. All topology is efficient.

XMD - Premium Cables & Wires IMM Curve Brushes

Product description

XMD - Premium Cables & Wires IMM Curve Brushes

This ZBrush Brush set includes 51 Insert Multimesh Curve Brushes!

It includes an infinitely random tangled wire brush! All brushes are highly optimized and low poly. They can be subdivided easily. All topology is efficient.

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