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Xmen Vs Sentinel Vol 4: Psylocke Anatomy

(7 ratings)
Product description

Xmen Vs Sentinel Vol 4: Psylocke Anatomy

Xmen Vs Sentinel in Zbrush is the third module of the digital sculpting specialization for professionals.

We teach you the dynamics of mobility and gestures, we focus on the storytelling of the bones and muscles giving the correct position and posture to each one.

Module 3 contains the following volumes: Vol 1: Xmen Vs Sentinel 3D Mockup Vol 2: Xmen Vs Sentinel Anatomy Wolverine Vol 3: Xmen Vs Sentinel Wolverine Apparel Vol 4: Xmen Vs Sentinel Anatomy Psylocke Vol 5: Xmen Vs Sentinel Anatomy Psylocke part 2

Xmen Vs Sentinel Vol 4: Psylocke Anatomy

Product description

Xmen Vs Sentinel Vol 4: Psylocke Anatomy

Xmen Vs Sentinel in Zbrush is the third module of the digital sculpting specialization for professionals.

We teach you the dynamics of mobility and gestures, we focus on the storytelling of the bones and muscles giving the correct position and posture to each one.

Module 3 contains the following volumes: Vol 1: Xmen Vs Sentinel 3D Mockup Vol 2: Xmen Vs Sentinel Anatomy Wolverine Vol 3: Xmen Vs Sentinel Wolverine Apparel Vol 4: Xmen Vs Sentinel Anatomy Psylocke Vol 5: Xmen Vs Sentinel Anatomy Psylocke part 2

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